Student Assistance Programs
Early Intervention Program for teens in Middlesex County
Rushford’s Early Intervention Program is designed to help young people get back on the right path after they’ve encountered problems because of their drug or alcohol use. We provide a sequence of meaningful services for teens whose substance abuse has led to arrest, suspension/expulsion or trouble at home. Many of our participants have found the guidance and support of the program a helpful resource for positive change.
The Early Intervention Program receives referrals from a wide array of service providers including schools, juvenile review boards, counselors, juvenile court, pediatricians and concerned parents. The program consists of four steps, all of which are required to complete the program:
STEP 1: Client screening
Referrals are screened and assessed prior to entering the program. A Family Meeting is held to determine if the EIP is the appropriate resource. Referrals to a higher level of service will be made, if needed.
STEP 2: Drug/Alcohol Education
Participants complete a four-hour online education program on marijuana or alcohol use. Parents complete an online education program entitled, “Parent Wise”. Courses are designed to help teens clarify their thinking about drug use.
STEP 3: Teen Awareness Group
Participants attend a minimum of five group sessions. Meetings are held on Wednesday evenings in Centerbrook, CT. Facilitated topics include substance abuse, stress and anger management, peer pressures and problem-solving.
STEP 4: Case Management Services
Ongoing contact is maintained with parents and referral sources to best coordinate a successful outcome. Many times other services are recommended including drug-testing, counseling or a positive activity to best meet the needs of each individual.
The cost of the program is $100. No one will be denied services because of an inability to pay.
The Early Intervention Program is generously supported by the Middlesex United Way.
For more information, contact:
Larry Freundlich, MS, LPC
or 203.537.4908