Ridge Recovery Center

The Ridge provides personalized paths to recovery in a serene, tranquil and private setting.


November 20, 2024

Hartford HealthCare Partners with American School for the Deaf to Broaden Access for Patients

Hartford HealthCare is partnering with the American School for the Deaf (ASD) to offer in-person American Sign Language services and [...]

November 15, 2024

All Hartford HealthCare Hospitals Earn Straight A’s for Safety

For the second time, all seven Hartford HealthCare hospitals received “A” grades for safety from The Leapfrog Group, the nation’s [...]

September 06, 2024

Rushford Partners With Meriden PD to Serve Crisis Needs

When there’s a mental health or substance-related crisis in Meriden, chances are Alisa Palmer-Winston will respond. The social worker works [...]

August 02, 2024

Collaboration Offers Post-Treatment Sober Housing

The Ridge Recovery Center is collaborating with the Herren Project to provide affordable sober housing for clients who are transitioning [...]

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Patient Testimonial

I have been fortunate to return to Rushford treatment for a second time and the staff, treatment, and the facility as a whole have been consistently very concerned with myself and I have witnessed that same level of care with every individual that comes through these doors.

See more testimonials





Medication Assisted Treatment
Close to Home (MATCH™)

Addiction recovery can take a prescribed path in our Medication-Assisted Treatment, Close to Home programs for adults and teens. MATCH™ offers medicine that reduces cravings and withdrawals from substances along with relapse prevention group therapy.

Is MATCH™ right for you?


Programs & Services

What can we help you find?



Rushford Melody Makers Program

The Rushford Melody Makers Program is funded through a Drug-Free Communities grant and organized by the Meriden Healthy Youth Coalition.

MORR - Recover a Life

MORR (Meriden Opioid Referral for Recovery): People can and do recover.
